Let's travel to MUSASHI in Asakusa

Recommended way to get around



We have stores mainly
in Asakusa



Main Store


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Main street


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A wide variety of products

You should be able to find the knife you need in our abundant selection.

You can try cutting it

Since you have the opportunity to try cutting it, you can find something that appeals to your senses.

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Looking for souvenirs on Nakamise Street

Select your favorite candles, choose the gift wrapping option, and leave your heartfelt message before checkout.

Learn about knives
at a distinctive shop with bonsai

Our team will wrap your gift in our signature wrapping paper with your message, adding an extra touch of warmth and love.

Take a break at the SAKE BAR on the second floor

Your gift will be delivered to your loved ones, spreading joy and gratitude effortlessly this holiday season.

1F Cuchillos Japoneses

Assuring English-Speaking Staff always available at your Service

Nestled in the heart of Kappabashi Street, Musashi invites you to delve into the captivating stories of Japanese craftsmanship behind every knife in our store, along with our Sake specialties. To make your experience seamless, our shop assistants are here to guide you every step of the way. They'll assist you in selecting the perfect knife for your kitchen needs, even helping you slice Japanese radishes to ensure it's just right for you. Furthermore, our English-speaking staff are skilled storytellers, sharing the fascinating narratives of knife craftsmanship and the legendary tales of samurai and yokai associated with each Sake tasting. We aim to bridge any language barrier and provide you with a deeper understanding of Japanese culture.

Experiencia cortando vegetales

When you hold one of our knives at Musashi, you may find yourself tempted to test its sharpness with a slice or chop. That's why we encourage our customers to experience it firsthand by cutting Japanese radishes right then and there. This hands-on approach allows you to truly feel the knife's power and sharpness, helping you make a more informed choice.

Cómo utilizar una Piedra de Afilar

A medida que continúas utilizando un cuchillo, naturalmente pierde su agudeza con el tiempo. Sin embargo, la buena noticia es que con el conocimiento adecuado de las técnicas de afilado de cuchillos, puedes prolongar significativamente su vida útil. En Musashi, ofrecemos una demostración sobre cómo utilizar eficazmente una piedra de afilar, diseñada tanto para conveniencia como para eficacia, facilitando en gran medida el proceso de afilado de cuchillos. Con esta habilidad, puedes seguir utilizando tus cuchillos durante un período prolongado, asegurándote de que permanezcan afilados y listos para todas tus necesidades culinarias.

Grabado de Cuchillos

Once you've purchased a knife at Musashi, we offer the additional service of knife engraving. You can choose to have your name or the name of the person you plan to gift the knife to engraved on the blade.
Este toque personal no solo añade un elemento especial y único a tu cuchillo, sino que también crea una impresión duradera, convirtiéndolo en un artículo memorable y apreciado.

El arte de los cuchillos Chokin

Our exquisite Chokin art (gold carving) designs are sure to leave an indelible impression, especially when paired with these exceptional Japanese knives.
Musashi se ha asociado con el hábil artesano Asamura Takao, que cuenta con más de 50 años de experiencia en la industria.
Each knife undergoes meticulous polishing for several months, with some taking up to a year to perfect.
This limited edition collection pays homage to the traditional Japanese carving style, preserving a craft that has been slowly fading away.


Cuchillos Tsushima Ocean

In a commitment to sustainability, Musashi has embarked on a remarkable journey by introducing the Tsushima Ocean knife with a unique handle design.
Tsushima, Japan's westernmost island, faces a significant challenge with the accumulation of ocean waste from neighboring countries such as Korea and China.
Después de dos años de esfuerzos dedicados para desarrollar una solución sostenible para combatir la contaminación oceánica, Musashi ha encontrado una manera de reutilizar los desechos marinos de Tsushima.
Este enfoque innovador nos permite elaborar mangos de cuchillos japoneses vibrantes y cautivadores, utilizando materiales reciclados para no solo crear diseños llamativos sino también contribuir al bienestar general del problema de los desechos oceánicos.


Barniz Japonés (Urushi)

Experience the exquisite fusion of nature and craftsmanship with Sumi Urushi handles.
Each handle is a testament to the artistry of the ages, meticulously crafted using the ancient Japanese Sumi Urushi lacquer technique, derived from the sap of the urushi tree.
This age-old tradition not only lends a captivating, lustrous finish to our knives but also ensures that every handle is a unique masterpiece.
Elevate your culinary journey with the warmth and beauty of Sumi Urushi handles, where every slice is a celebration of nature's elegance and human ingenuity.

2F Cuchillos Japoneses

¡Tome un descanso con Sake en el territorio de los Yokai!

Disfruta de Sake en un ambiente acogedor con estilo japonés iluminado por faroles. Elige entre nuestros tipos de sake: "Felicidad", "Tristeza", "Enojo" y "Delicia". Prueba nuestros sets de comparación de sake con temas de samuráis y yokai, u opta por opciones sin alcohol como café Kappabashi, ginger ale y deliciosos aperitivos. Descubre el sake en un ambiente relajado y acogedor.

Di hola a nuestro equipo.

MUSASHI JAPAN cuenta con personal no solo de Japón, sino de todo el mundo, para brindar un soporte detallado y rápido a todos los clientes en inglés. Estamos comprometidos a ofrecer el mejor servicio interactivo para hacer de Asakusa un lugar donde los visitantes puedan experimentar la "cultura japonesa" en su máxima expresión.










